A message from

our custodian

When an estate has as much historical and cultural significance as the Château de Vie, one really becomes a custodian rather than an owner. I see it as my role to ensure the relevance of the Château in the future of the arts. To that end, we are returning the estate, on the 50th anniversary of Picasso’s death, to being one of the most important art production houses in the world

- William Beslow Esq.

Château de Vie was established in its present form by previous owner, Rayo Withanage who repositioned the property once again for creative production. The estate has since been transfered is owned by a consortium of investors led by famed attorney William S. Beslow.

This transformation will include some important additions to reflect our times. The future of the Château is a celebration of culture, from visual and performing arts to music and cuisine. Our team also works with leaders in business, government and philanthropy to harness the power of arts and culture to shape a better world. The Château embodies the vital intersection between the arts, technology and charity. We are proud to welcome the living masters of today, and the rising masters of tomorrow, to leave their indelible mark on an estate that represents the best in all of us”.

- William Beslow Esq.

“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away”

- Pablo Picasso